Saturday, January 26, 2008

From Baby to Teen

You've done your job as a parent, right? You fed your child when he or she was a baby, changed those diapers, spent numerous sleepless nights taking care of your baby. You wiped that runny nose, warmed the bottle, sanitized the house, and did all you could to care for and protect your baby.

Then the baby became a toddler. You kissed the boo boos. You wiped away the tears. You child proofed the entire house to protect him or her from harm. You did all that you could to keep your toddler safe.

Then came the grammar school age. Again, you watched out for your child. You always knew where your child was and who he or she was with. You monitored your child because you wanted to keep your child safe. You were being a very good parent.

Then came the teen years and your teen gets a driver's license. You teen stills needs you to watch out for him or her because your teen still doesn't have the maturity to make all the right decisions. As a responsible parent, you need to do all you can to protect your teen. It is not an invasion of privacy to monitor and know the whereabouts of your teen. It is being a good parent. That is why all parents need to consider installing a GPS Tracking unit in their teens automobile. GPS tracking helps parents with the peace of mind of knowing that their teens are safe.

Automobile accidents are the leading cause of death of teens with over one-third a direct result of speed related issues. Teen drivers killed in a motor vehicle accident had a youth passenger 45% of the time with 53% of these teen deaths occurring on the weekend. Do everything that you can to ensure that your teen is not one of those terrible statistics. Install a GPS Tracking unit in your teen's vehicle now!

Lillie Davis is an authorized distributor of the Millennium Plus GPS system at Falcon GPS TrackingShandie Blog36970
Stoddard Blog32586


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